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Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0

Started by Lucas Alexandre

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   22 April 2010, 10:47

Hi Andrew smile

I want to do some modifications on my WISP... basically I want to change dynamic allocation or transfer rates based on timetable during the day without create two rules...

I think that is not possible on this version...

During the write of this text, I go back to above and I saw that I sugested this:

5- Feature "Timetable" to permit changes in rates in the specified time - inside in advanced options of quota manager

hahaha... sorry, I already had sugested this, and I hope that you wrote this on your PIM smile

smile I don't know the form that you will implement these sugestions, and I hope that I am not confusing you with a lot of sugestions...

We are waiting for news about BWM


Lucas Alexandre
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   22 April 2010, 21:54

Well, it actually sounds like a good idea to activate/deactivate certain rule properties according to a timetable. It's a tough task though to fit all this in without bloating the UI and making BWM hard to use wink I'll try my best ok, yes, thumb up

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   26 April 2010, 00:23

I'd love Global Quotas or baring that, some way to see data transfer for each IP/Mac Address that in rule set.

I'd still like Global Quotas particularly so I can restrict the data transfer done by one machine, but who's data I still want to count with several others. (IE: One Quota, many rules).

Any hope for either of these Andrew? laugh

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   04 May 2010, 16:55

I'm not sure if this has been suggested, or how easy this could be made a reality;

I'm running 2.9.10

Can the Quota Manager order list be changed - instead of 'as entered into the system'.

For example, if I've added some new quotas, I'd like them to be in order of the QUOTA NAME, so when selecting in the rules, I dont have to go through the entire quota list to find the specific quota - compared to scrolling to approx the letter/number the quota name starts off with, etc.

Is this simple to add in - or has already been added in recent betas?

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   14 May 2010, 01:12


Please, give some feedback about your work (new version of bwm and new product called "captive portal"wink smile


Lucas Alexandre

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   15 May 2010, 18:18

maybe to add function of logging UDP packets and TCP sessions like in Traffic Meter

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   21 July 2010, 10:20

More than a year has passed since the last final version. The last beta was from October 26, 2009. It's a sad thing, you have still a very loyal user base.


Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   22 July 2010, 07:39

I think that is the time of Andrew give some news for us. A little feedback about the future of BWM Scene.

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   30 July 2010, 04:05

May I ask Andrew, are you still alive?

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   30 July 2010, 05:59

Yeah >>>where is the new Version ?

we need it and more option

thanx andrew

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   31 July 2010, 12:55

Oh... sad

This scenario remind me of a faded product that reached it's end of life,,
and this product was in the same field as BWM

I Hope my thoughts is wrong.. and all what we feel is just because of this delay from Andrew...
I really hope that..
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   01 August 2010, 21:10

Hi guys, thank for all these comments. Let me reassure you that I myself and BWM are alive and well smile I have collected most of your wishes, and I said earlier I am working on BWM 3.0. It's not a trivial task and it's very time consuming, yet I am hoping to roll out this release in the second half of 2010.

In the meantime, if you would like to, please test the latest beta. Many pieces from it are being moved to the version 3.0 codebase.

Thank you again for being loyal and helpful users and I hope not to disappoint you after all smile

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   02 August 2010, 02:21

Hi Andrew!

Thanks for the news!! smile

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   02 August 2010, 06:21

Fantastic news, so if all goes well we have a final before years end!
Andrew, if version 3.0 comes out, does it mean I have to buy a new license?
I read somewhere that my license is valid for all 2.x releases but not anymore for 3.x releases?


Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   02 August 2010, 07:21

I think that according the order rules of BWM product, we wil have to pay for this upgrade. smile
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   03 August 2010, 17:21

Hi Arthur and Lucas,

Officially only everyone purchased BWM before May 01, 2009 is eligible for lifetime free upgrades. However, even if you purchased it later, I will happily provide the upgrade at no charge to active participants on this forum, including you guys personally. A gesture of goodwill for all your help, comments and suggestions smile


Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   03 August 2010, 18:20

Wow, that's awesome Andrew, anyway I'll see if it is possible to make a donation to support your work. It is the least I can do, and you deserve it. Gives me some peace of mind also.
I'm not super savvy as it comes to networking but whenever possible I will assist on the forums.


Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   04 August 2010, 01:42

Wow.... this is very good news. Thank you very much! What I can, I will do to help you. (Donating always that possible... helping on the forum, suggesting features, reporting bugs and seeking on internet for stolen serial keys and report it to andrew by email to put in BWM code for blacklist these stolen keys)

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   19 August 2010, 09:37

Hi Andrew... I posted this a while ago and probably you've already read this but I don't know if this would be usefull, I haven't seen this in BWM, the ability to delete various rules at the same time, or selecting various rules with ctrl or shift as can be done in other programs and delete them...?

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   19 August 2010, 09:47

I was thinking of another sugestion for BWM, what about giving the rules the ability to be "valid" for a period of time..? let me explain... for example, BWM allows you to setup a ruled based on a quota limit, and when reached the rule blocks or decreases the speed of that rule, what about setting a time for a rule...? meaning "valid from" to "valid to" and apply the same settings of the quota limit, it would give users the ability to enable a rule for say... a week...or a day... or whatever time is needed. Or the ability to use both settings, time and quota, as in "whatever happens first" meaning , user reached the quota or the valid time of the rule has expired...


Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   04 September 2010, 23:10

I use BWM basically remotely, over Internet. The problem is because I have too many rules and when I try to connect or if I try to change or add rules take too much time. Maybe you can improve this system in the new version. Other problem I see is in the LIVE BANDWIDTH VIEW. Colors change fast so I cant follow one user easily. And when bwm Its updating graffic, the screen seens to be freezed and you cannot change nothing, minimize or close during this prerĂ­od. That popup information "connecting..." in live band that appear every 5 seconds could be in the same window, maybe in some status bar.

Other important thing is to know traffic at the moment, because in the live this information is based in the last 30 seconds. Is Im right?

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   27 October 2010, 15:56

Hi Andrew,

Are you almost finishing the work on BWM 3.0 Beta?

I'm crazy to test the new version.


Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   29 October 2010, 23:29

i hope BWM 3.0 include live bandwidth monitor for all user online not only top 10 user bandwidth monitor

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   29 October 2010, 23:37

and i have suggest for BWM
in BWM , we can make page to redirect when the month is finish or user join to the network but he dont in my network .
so i hope to add the feature for BWM , when the month subscribtion expired before 3 days to make massage or page tell the user his subscribtion is expire after 3 days

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   30 October 2010, 11:38

This feature is already there in BWM

Use port Mapping to do this..

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   31 October 2010, 01:19

i know that mr moro666
this feature like hotspot , when the customer subscription is expired the page appearance
but what i mean , i want to tell the customer before 3 days his subscription expired , this feature is not already in BWM
thank you mr moro666 again
best wishes

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   10 November 2010, 14:56

Dear Andrew, year 2010 will come soon, when can the BWM 3.0 be released ?
If I order the BWM 2.x now, can it be free upgraded to 3.0 ?

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   12 November 2010, 13:17


Dear Andrew, year 2010 will come soon, when can the BWM 3.0 be released

LOL laugh
You mean YEAR 2011 it's ~ 50 days away from now, Happy Christmas.

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   12 November 2010, 13:24


i want to tell the customer before 3 days his subscription expired , this feature is not already in BWM

Hi, Mr. S
do u mean : you want to show a reminder to customer that 3 days left for expiration ?
and this message show for a little time, or the customer can press OK and continue working on internet through these 3 days , and after 3 days , another message show up telling ( subscription expired )
Is this what you want ?
If so, this feature is not already in BWM , and it's great to see it in v3.00000

Suggestions for the new BWM 3.0   12 November 2010, 14:07

Sorry for my triple posts,
But I just remember this,, I hope Andrew 'll read it soon

What if new BWM supports layer 7 ?
this can make us manage to control the types of files/data downloaded , and this 'll make a very flexible management on bandwidth..

think about it, You can limit files like ( zip, rar, avi, iso ) and give them low priority...

and unlimit or High priority to ( jpg, png, swf ) for more faster browsing, while limiting known big files that heavy with download .

another thing ( and related to above suggestion ):

replacing the current simple RULE with more featured and advanced Rule ,

this advanced rule holds all things related to specific ( IP or MAC or Group )

every Rule can hold it's own:
- Quota
- main limits
- Layer 7 and file types recognition for customizing limits and priorities
- bypass limits on special times, protocols, file types
- Reminder ( doing port mapping BUT can be bypassed by customer after reading the page )
- custom colored rules for easy viewing.
- Rule log ( what is passing through , what is blocked if it is a block rule )

- addressing by ( IP, MAC, Domain name )
- understanding SQUID cached traffic from another SQUID (linux) machine to bypass it ( current, u have to setup both on same gateway machine )

Both suggestions are related, because for the current versions , even if we have layer7 feature , I need to make multiple Rules for the same customer
1- Rule to Unlimit/bypass lite files ( jpg, png, etc )
2- Rule to limit heavy files ( rar, zip, iso )
3- Rule to work on the rest of remaining traffic

if we do so , we can't manage Quotas, because the 1 customer Quota divided on these rules.
and sure, beside Quota problem,, we 'll have more and more rules just for limited customers

I hope my dreams didn't get so far, and can see these features coming with v3.0

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