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Network configuration with Win2003 server

Started by mongo


Network configuration with Win2003 server   17 October 2012, 22:59


is the following possible

and if so, how would these need to be configured to work so that SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager can control the AP Clients.


Modem/Router - Assign IP via DHCP (
Server NIC #1 (
Win2003PC - Softperfect Bandwidth Manager
Server NIC #2 (192.168.?.?)
UniFi AP Outdoor (UAP-Outdoor)
| | |
APClient APClient APClient

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Network Configuration   17 October 2012, 23:07

If it's Windows 2003 (that is Windows Server) it makes sense to use the RRAS service to provide NAT to APClients.

Alternatively, you can try bandwidth manager bridging, in which case NIC1 and NIC2 configuration is not important.

Network Configuration   18 October 2012, 23:09

Hi Andrew,

thanks for the quick response

Currently the server is running as a DNS server / Domain controller.

Would using the bandwidth manager bridging feature 'break' the functionality of the server ?

Looks like it would probably be wiser to enable DHCP on the server and use the RRAS service as you have suggested, but my router/modem has some features that I would like to keep using that I cannot replicate through the server.

I had emailed you a couple of weeks ago regards a different problem we had been having regards the following

'Unable to connect (Code: 10048, Error: Address already in use)'

But never received an email back from you.

Did you get the email (sent: 10/10/2012 16:39)


Network Configuration   22 October 2012, 17:21

Just wanted to update this thread incase someone requires a similar solution in the future

This is what is working for me

Modem/Router - Assign IP via DHCP (
Win2003PC - Softperfect Bandwidth Manager (Tools -> Bridging)
UniFi AP Outdoor (UAP-Outdoor)
| | |
APClient APClient APClient

All APClients are configured so only APClients whose MAC address is configured within the application can get a valid IP. all other MAC address are blocked.

The DHCP router is responsible for assigning all IP's.

Thanks for the assistance Andrew

Network Configuration   22 October 2012, 17:24

Forgot to say,

there is another NIC in the Windows box, that is the primary LAN connection, by using the DFE-580TX I was able to avoid **messing** up its configuration

Network Configuration   12 November 2012, 15:26

The Unify system runs AirOS.

AirOS let's you set a bandwidth rate limit on each device. I already do this with some client modems with NanoStation2's.

You only need the bandwidth manager for doing quota's etc... or shaping depending on network destination.

Be careful when using bridging, if your wireless network also runs in bridge modes. Because having two many bridges and switches could cause an ARP flood (broadcast storm). If you use routed mode on your Ubiquiti gear, then this shouldn't be a problem. But if using bridged mode, make sure you understand the risks with ARP flooding.


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