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Usage graph history

Started by Pete


Usage graph history   19 August 2009, 22:11


First, let me thank you for this great program, I am currently fighting with my ISP over internet speeds and stability, and they frequently use the "" to their paid server to present their case (showing no problem).
Finally, with your program, I was able to prove to them that my internet line is fluctuating wildly.

I have a question though, I have searched through every window looking for this (If I've missed it, don't kick me :P), but is there any way that the usage graph could show history? - at the moment, I am able to screenshot 9 minutes with the graph across the width of the desktop, but once the trend moves outside the window, its gone.

For instance, if I wanted to look at the recorded usage trend for the day, or cycle back for the last hour - is that possible?

Thanks again smile

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Usage graph history   22 August 2009, 18:18

Hi Pete,

Good suggestion! I have implemented this in the recent build. You can download it here Installer | Portable.

After you install it, you will be able to travel alongside of the graph. Simply activate it, click it and try pressing the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard (also Page Up and Page Down).

This new function will be included into the official release shortly.

Re: Usage graph history   04 September 2009, 15:45

Hi Andrew!

I'm glad I could be of help smile

It helps for the hourly trend, but is it possible to set a timeframe? For instance, if I wanted to see the trend for the entire day. I'm not sure if the graph is taking values from a log file to produce it (programming was never my specialty wink ) but could this log file be extended and then exported, so that I could produce a graph showing activity over the entire day? - Am I making my ideas clear? :S

I am waiting for the broadband clowns to turn up here to "speedtest" my connection - little do they know they will leave with clear indications of a problem...

Thanks again Andrew smile


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