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Swing factor (the difference in monitoring data)

Started by nagan

Swing factor (the difference in monitoring data)   23 April 2009, 16:30

I believe Networx group and Andrew (Australian ?) is from Australia. Cricket should be a known sport to you, personally I admire Adam Gilchrist for the sportsman / person he is and am watching him in the IPL. Swing factor is the cricketing phenomenon of a ball getting extra turn..!

I am also using Watchwan (though not a big admirer) which monitors my router only. When I periodically check my usage at my ISP site, I get a difference (UL -.06% DL-1.24% TOTAL- 1.30% HIGHER) for the totals measured in a corresponding period in the Watchwan log. For others it could be LOWER too. But I doubt the monitors whatever at home and ISP would ever agree. When the quota is into GBs this could be crucial too.

Can you think of adding this feature for viewing purposes only? The statistics will be recorded as usual, but while viewing in the general screen / Quota control the display could be manipulated based on the user entered factors and the user wanting such an information.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Swing Factor..   24 April 2009, 21:02

This feature would make little sense. Say, if you find that the usage recorded by NetWorx is 1.5% higher or lower than that reported by the ISP, there is no guarantee that the difference will remain the same. Therefore this adjustment could be potentially wrong.

Swing Factor..   28 April 2009, 17:39

I agree ,it is not for the accuracy ,but for a probable idea of how much it could be recorded at the ISP. Even in one of the posts there was a report on discrepancy on what Networx records and at Network 3 (I guess) in Australia. Not Networx fault exactly ,the difference would be there even if you switch on to the SNMP mode in the future.

As I said earlier the records will be done in the DB strictly as Networx monitors and does now. Only in the display IF THE USER WANTS /CHECK BOXES he might be given a probable idea of what the record could be at the ISP. Especially towards the end of the quota this could be handy and prevent overstepping.

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