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How to deactivate the "Data both" graph in ...

Started by Michael 123

How to deactivate the "Data both" graph in ...   06 February 2009, 11:22

... the showed up graph ?

Or isn't this not possible ?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

How to deactivate the "Data both" graph in ...   06 February 2009, 18:27

You can make it the same colour as Data In or Data Out (depending on which one prevails). It cannot be deactivated totally as that would make the readings meaningless.

How to deactivate the "Data both" graph in ...   22 April 2009, 09:44

A few version back, before you had the color for combined traffic (both), it was possible to see both nicely. I used to have one color as pink and the other as blue. It was like the color in the forground was transparent to the one in the background. I liked it very much over the current "both" color. can't seem to get the same effect anymore.

Side note. I love you products and see all the work you put into them. I origanlly bought a license for NetWorx and still think it's worth at least a few dollars to cover all your hard work. I also own a license for your Bandwidth Manager. Another great product. I use both these products together. Networx as a double check to makes sure all the traffic going through BM is accounted for. But since it became a free product and it no longer runs as a service in the background, it's almost not worth using. I have to stay logged into a profile now to keep the data collecting and that has some bad side effects.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

How to deactivate the "Data both" graph in ...   22 April 2009, 12:40

Try setting 'in' color and 'both' color to the same value, or 'out' colour and 'both' colour, depending on which one prevails. I haven't changed the way it is drawn, just three different colors for 'in', 'out' and 'both' rather than 'out' and 'both' that were the same.

I am not currently sure whether I can make it a service. That would be a major redesign, which would also eventually result in dropping the popular portable version of NetWorx.

You can however try running the portable version as a service using srvany or a commercial product like Fire Daemon (this one used to have a free edition a while ago). If you decide to try, please use the portable version of NetWorx as it does not use the current user's registry which might be undefined when no user is logged on.

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