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Driver crashing Windows10 1607 with verifier

Started by Mike


Driver crashing Windows10 1607 with verifier   08 October 2016, 12:07

BSOD experienced DCP_watchdog_violation similar to previously reported driver bug

Networx 5.5.5 System experiencing

Windbg Crash analysis resulting from Verifier reports for networx.sys

BugCheck C4, {f6, 434, ffff9d8f52af5080, fffff802c0ba13c6}

A driver references a user-mode handle as kernel mode.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Driver crashing Windows10 1607 with verifier   08 October 2016, 13:21

That's unfortunate, but we don't really have control over the driver - it's third party.

As a workaround, you can try installing a different build, i.e. TDP over WFP or vice versa as this article explains.

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