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SoftPerfect bwm initial reading is quite high

Started by giftsamuel

SoftPerfect bwm initial reading is quite high   29 April 2010, 11:33

I am using an xml file with use of some java programs to configure the bandwidth limit for my application. The problem I got is, If I had set the bandwidth limit for 5120(5 KB), the initial reading is denoted as 120kBs and with in a few second(Roughly within 20 sec) it came to the 40-44kBs(Thats acceptable). But I would like to know why initially the reading is quite high and afterwards reaching the exact limit in few seconds. Please give your valuable suggestions on this regarding.

Thanks in Advance!!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

SoftPerfect bwm initial reading is quite high   29 April 2010, 14:08

Please post a screenshot of the graph in rule's statistics on that moment (where it shows activity in last 30 seconds).

SoftPerfect bwm initial reading is quite high   29 April 2010, 14:09

I have set the bandwidth limit to 5120(5KB), while I am testing the average transfer rate is quite normal(42kbps). But the current transfer rate is too high. Some times its even reaching 204kbps and again getting down to 1.41kbps, seems it is not stable. I had attached two images for your reference.

image1.jpg - specifies the transfer rates in a graph.
image2.jpg - specifies the rule which I had set in the soft perfect bwm software.

I cannot predict in which I went wrong, Please help me to resolve this issue.
Thanks in Advance!!
open | download – image1.jpg (47.2 KB)
open | download – image2.jpg (54.6 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

SoftPerfect bwm initial reading is quite high   29 April 2010, 16:58

Please re-read my post. I asked to see the graph from the rule's statistics, not a third-party application whose readings I would doubt.

SoftPerfect bwm initial reading is quite high   29 April 2010, 18:03

Thanks for your reply. While testing I have set the band width limit to 5KB. I have attached the graphs picture along with this message. This is what I got in soft perfect bwm statistics. I guess the rules in my xml files are correct. I dont understand, Where the problem occurs? Please help me!!
open | download – image3.jpg (25.8 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

SoftPerfect bwm initial reading is quite high   29 April 2010, 18:34

Yes, the rule looks correct and it limits bandwidth between those IP addresses by 5 kilobytes/sec. This would roughly equal 40 kilobits/sec. You could for example copy a file between these two machines and see that the speed would be around 5 KB/set as set in the rule.

Unfortunately I don't know why that blue window gives you different readings. You can replace it with some other bandwidth monitoring software to see if it makes any difference.

SoftPerfect bwm initial reading is quite high   29 April 2010, 19:55

Hi Andrew,
The incoming packets are controlled perfectly. But the out going packets are not controlled properly.
We tested with the downloading file from the remote server is working fine.

For uploading the file to the remote server, the average speed was correct.
But the speed has been increased above the limit (5kBps) in the blocks.

We need to control speed beyond the limit.
Do we need any other configuration to do this..?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

SoftPerfect bwm initial reading is quite high   29 April 2010, 21:46

Apparently changing the direction of this rule from Out to Either will enable proper limiting of both uploads and downloads.

SoftPerfect bwm initial reading is quite high   30 April 2010, 12:18

Hi Andrew,
We tested with outgoing and also the Both.
But the same problem occurs.

Guide us any configuration is needed to limit the speed in the specified speed limit.

The scenario is as following:
- For first 3 seconds,
- The first sec the pulse going up to 150 to 250kbps
- The second sec the pulse decreased to 1 to 2kbps
- In the third sec its going upto 30 to 50kbps.
- In the fourth sec again decreased to 1 to 2kbps
The average of the speed limit is maintained to around 40kbps. But we need a solution to control the speed on every sec.
Please guide to maintain in speed limit in every second.

Kind Regards,
Sankar M
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

SoftPerfect bwm initial reading is quite high   30 April 2010, 23:46

Hi Sankar,

Generally the bandwidth manager's core provides a smoothly limited connection.

Unavoidable bursts are possible within first 1-2 seconds, however after that the transfer rate remains close to the limit, although a slight deviation is possible. For example, if you set a limit of 40 kbps, it can rise as high as 50-100 kbps in the first 1-2 seconds, and then remain around 38-42 kbps.

If it deviates sharply, as you say 1 kbps to 50 kbps, there is either something wrong with the network (could be packet loss or congestions) or the software that you are using to measure the transfer rate is wrong. If in doubt, give a try to our free NetWorx tool to see what it reports.


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