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LAN traffic not ignored

Started by sid-ali

LAN traffic not ignored   17 June 2015, 04:01

Good day Andrew and Co,

I am using the last BWM with the following setup:
-> Lite edition with the free licence, on a Win7 PC connected to LAN via a WiFi PCI card
-> Created a single rule to limit downloading (incoming traffic) to 100kB/s
-> Ticked the option in settings/preferences which allows the software to ignore LAN traffic...

Even though, I still have the copy/paste from/to this computer limited to 100kB/s when browsing through LAN.

As soon as I disable the described rule inside BWM, I have the LAN traffic going back to full speed and the copy/paste process takes effect immediately...

Anything that I have missed? Your help will be very much appreciated.

Many thanks,
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: LAN traffic not ignored   17 June 2015, 11:44

Does the computer's and network IP addresses match those specified in the Ignore LAN traffic dialog?

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: LAN traffic not ignored   17 June 2015, 20:51

Yes Andrew, they are matching. The LAN I have inside the range, with the WiFi access point at

The other thing is that this access point is connected to a Load Balance broadband router (@, but I don't believe this is playing a role in such case.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: LAN traffic not ignored   17 June 2015, 21:11

Well, in that case probably either the source or destination are not what you expect, possibly even IPv6.

Try creating a couple of rules like these:
Source: local host
Destination: Any
Rate: Unlimited
Protocol: IPv4 Based

Source: local host
Destination: Any
Rate: Unlimited
Protocol: IPv6 Based
Place this rule on the top of the ruleset. Then copy a file to start a LAN file transfer and see which rule register the traffic.

If it's the first rule, then it's IPv4 and you should try a replacing Any with a LAN range and see if it still works. If it's the second rule, I guess you will need to somehow exclude local IPv6 addresses.

Re: LAN traffic not ignored   18 June 2015, 04:21

Thanks Andrew for your fast answer! I will try the solutions as per your instructions and let you know once done.

Best Regards, Sid-Ali.

Re: LAN traffic not ignored   20 June 2015, 03:36

Hello Andrew,

as per the rules you have suggested, LAN traffic went through IPv6 which I have disabled and now everything is OK smile

Many thanks for your support!

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