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SoftPerfect WiFi Guard

How to display device Vendor ID instead of network card Vendor ID

Started by Andy Pritchard

Andy Pritchard

How to display device Vendor ID instead of network card Vendor ID   22 September 2016, 20:25

All is fine with the scanner, however I find that scan result shows Vendor ID as that of the Network Card rather than the unit itself. I.e. my Sony BDV-NF7220 Music System shows as Hon Hai Precision Ind Ltd, which makes it a bit tricky identifying which item is which on the network. Is there a way that unit ID could be displayed?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to display device Vendor ID instead of network card Vendor ID   22 September 2016, 20:35

This simply indicates who produced the network module based on the first three octets of the MAC address. Generally, Hon Hai Precision could be any device since they manufacture network modules for a number of companies. They are better known by their trade name Foxconn.

You can check the IEEE-maintained database of MAC address prefixes and companies that registered them.

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