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Can a device be detected after it was turned off?

Started by mehrpou

Can a device be detected after it was turned off?   06 August 2016, 23:14

WiFi Guard finds 1 unrecognized device on my network:
IP address:
MAC address: D0-6F-4A-13-D9-32

I have a satellite receiver that has WiFi. But turning it off (even with plugging of electricity) and on, makes no difference.
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Re: Can a device be detected after it was turned off?   07 August 2016, 16:14

It may still be your satellite receiver, because WiFi Guard may also discover devices that your computer communicated with within the last few minutes. It does so by looking into so called ARP cache.

In order to verify whether that's the case:
  1. Turn the receiver off
  2. Reboot your PC to clear the ARP cache
  3. Re-run WiFi Guard scan
Also if you know that is your receiver, then you don't need to do anything, just mark it as known.

Re: Can a device be detected after it was turned off?   10 August 2016, 20:38

Thanks. Problem resolved. Just, I didn't reboot my PC. Probably, I waited a little more after unplugging my

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