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WiFi Guard is not detecting devices

Started by terry


WiFi Guard is not detecting devices   13 June 2015, 03:39

I recently downloaded wifi guard. I live in a household with multiple wireless devices and the only thing detected is computer and router. What gives?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: WiFi Guard is not detecting devices   13 June 2015, 16:07

Your router is probably using what's called wireless client isolation or session isolation where clients cannot see each other. That's why WiFi Guard may not be able to see any devices other than itself and the router.

There should be a setting in the router's web-interface to turn this feature on and off.
Dr. Jaber

Re: WiFi Guard is not detecting devices   24 June 2015, 12:00

Dear Sir,

I've just installed WiFi Guard on my Win 7 64-bit machine and it's working perfectly. Thank You!
However, I noticed that when I click on "Scan Now" to refresh the display, not all the alive devices on my LAN are detected.
If I repeat "Scan Now" many times, it detects them. Is it normal? If so, how can I be certain that the displayed info is accurate in real time?

Please advice!

Best regards
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: WiFi Guard is not detecting devices   25 June 2015, 00:05

What devices are not being detected? Quite possibly those are just sleeping. Try turn them on or activate and try rescan the network again. Sometimes it takes a few rounds to detect everything.

Another reason may be your router is using what's called wireless client isolation or session isolation, like mentioned above, where clients cannot see each other. This is especially common in dual-band routers with clients on one band unable to see clients on the other. There should be a setting in the router's web-interface to turn this feature on and off.

Re: WiFi Guard is not detecting devices   02 September 2015, 20:48

Until recently, WiFi Guard detected all devices but in the last couple of days it will not pick up on my iPhone, which is turned on and active. It does pick up all other devices, including laptop and iPads.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: WiFi Guard is not detecting devices   02 September 2015, 21:48

Perhaps the phone has stopped responding to incoming requests. May be restarting it can help.
ken rushton

Re: WiFi Guard is not detecting devices   08 April 2017, 05:50

WiFi guard will not run when I click on scan now, I just get a red cross.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: WiFi Guard is not detecting devices   10 April 2017, 13:56

Perhaps something isn't quite right with IP address settings or selected network adapter.

Try specifying your LAN IP address under Custom IP address range:

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: WiFi Guard is not detecting devices on 5GHz network   22 April 2017, 18:56

While it properly detects all items connected to my 2.4GHz WiFi network, it seems that Wifi Guard 1.0.7 does not detect those connected to my 5GHz network. Can this be fixed?
Thanks in advance for your prompt reply.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: WiFi Guard is not detecting devices   22 April 2017, 19:14

Your router may be using a so-called wireless client isolation or session isolation, which means that the clients cannot see each other between the 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz bands.

There should be a setting in the router's web-interface to turn this feature on and off.
Swiss Finish

Re: WiFi Guard is not detecting devices on 5 GHz network   23 April 2017, 03:52

Thank you Andrew for your prompt reply. Actually, since my previous post, devices on the 5GHz network have been detected without me changing any parameter on the router. Probably because WiFi Guard does not detect all devices at once.
Problem solved.

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