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WiFi Guard does not see wireless devices

Started by Randy


WiFi Guard does not see wireless devices   22 January 2013, 13:01

I have WiFi Guard installed on a PC that is connected to a Cisco/Linksys E4200v2 router via CAT-5 cable. WiFi Guard has gone through multiple scans but the only devices it shows are the PC it is installed on, and the router. It does not show the two iPads, or the Laptop connected to the network via the WiFi. Suggestions? Thanks in advance.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

WiFi Guard does not see wireless devices   22 January 2013, 15:34

It's hard to tell, possibly there is some sort of firewall in the router blocking the communication between hardwired and WiFi-connected devices.

Can you, for example, ping the wireless laptop's WiFi address?

WiFi Guard does not see wireless devices   22 January 2013, 17:06

I feel the same. Inquiring imagine it must be enabled on the router "AP Isolation"

'Creates a separate virtual network for your wireless network. When this feature is enabled, each of your wireless client will be in its own virtual network and will not be able to communicate with each other. You may want to utilize this feature if you have many guests that frequent your wireless network'.

After this comment I have a technical question: :S

SoftPerfect WiFi Guard do you see the devices that are behind a router with "AP Isolation" active?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

WiFi Guard does not see wireless devices   22 January 2013, 19:07

It seems that in case if the AP isolation is turned on, devices can only connect to the Internet and cannot communicate with each other. In this case the WiFi Guard presently won't be able to detect these devices.

I however have an idea how to detect such devices by asking the router about them. Not every router supports this, but I guess it still could help some users.

WiFi Guard does not see wireless devices   22 January 2013, 19:59

Would greatly appreciate it for future updates SoftPerfect WiFi Guard incorporate the option of detecting devices behind a router with "AP Isolation" assets, because there are currently many router with "AP Isolation" available.

Thank you. ok, yes, thumb up

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