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What to do with an unrecognised device?

Started by Linda Pryor

Linda Pryor

What to do with an unrecognised device?   18 December 2012, 23:30

If the scan finds an unrecognised device, how can I tell if I should recognise it or try to kick it off? and how would I get rid of an unwanted device?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

unrecognised device   18 December 2012, 23:53

You are scanning your WiFi network and the application is showing you what's in there. The green ones are your computer and your router. This is because the application knows they are legit. The red ones, are something else like your iPhone, laptops, TV or something like that.

The whole purpose of this application is that you mark your devices "known" and this will allow you to spot new devices in the network that should not be there (not yours). Unfortunately you cannot really "delete" or "block" them with the application.

Probably the simplest way to identify them would be to think what in your place has access to the Internet. May be turning various devices off and on one by one to find out what is what.

So if you still have no idea what those devices are, I recommend to change your WiFi password to prevent them from using your network.

Hope this helps smile
Linda Pryor

unrecognised device   19 December 2012, 00:22

Yes, thanks, I think I know what it is now.

unrecognised device   19 December 2012, 01:57

I have only two items that come up: one green (this computer) and one red. May I safely assume that the red one de facto is my router?? Thanks.

unrecognised device   19 December 2012, 03:28

Scan shows a device with MAC address FF-FF-FF-FF-FF (same IP as all other devices) no other info. What can it be?

unrecognised device   19 December 2012, 07:39 00-1F-1F-32-DF-8A 12 ms Edimax Technology Co. Ltd.

This is the unknown device the shows up on my scan. When I click web site, it takes me to your site. Why?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

unrecognised device   19 December 2012, 13:46



I have only two items that come up: one green (this computer) and one red. May I safely assume that the red one de facto is my router??

It's most likely the case, however if you can post a screen shot here, I may be able to tell.



Scan shows a device with MAC address FF-FF-FF-FF-FF (same IP as all other devices) no other info. What can it be?

Please clarify, whether all devices are shown with FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF or just one? If possible please attach a screen shot.


Paul 00-1F-1F-32-DF-8A 12 ms Edimax Technology Co. Ltd.
This is the unknown device the shows up on my scan. When I click web site, it takes me to your site. Why?

Because this button takes the user to our web-site smile It's not designed to take you to Edimax Technology's web-site or anything like that.

This device is likely be a router or some other device produced by Edimax.
Renay 2

unrecognised device   19 December 2012, 15:11

Something was wrong with the sign in process. I verified through email and everything, but it would not recognize my (saved) password.

Anyway, here are the two entries: 14-35-8B-01-67-50 1 ms Mediabridge products << this is the one I am concerned about 14-35-8B-02-98-EF 2 ms Mediabridge Products << this is my computer
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

unrecognised device   20 December 2012, 18:37

Most likely it's your router. Typically a device assigned address x.x.x.1 is a router in computer networks.

unrecognised device   21 January 2013, 00:35

Hey guys

If the app find that some other device is trying to acess the network,can i block it???or better do i need to buy some other software that blocks completely the intruder???
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

unrecognised device   21 January 2013, 01:33

It's not possible to block a device trying to access your WiFi network by some software program.

Our WiFi Guard will tell you when someone joins your network without your knowledge.

It is however only possible to block the intruder at the router: changing password, disabling WiFi Protected Setup, tightening security settings, etc.

There is a number of good WiFi security articles on the Internet.

unrecognised device   21 January 2013, 03:40

If I see a device marked with a red dot, does that mean someone is actually in my network using bandwidth, or just someone in range and blocked out?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

unrecognised device   21 January 2013, 13:53

It means there is a device that WiFi Guard does not know about.

Most likely it's one of your computers, TVs or mobile phones.

Please check out the beginner's guide to WiFi Guard.

Re: What to do with an unrecognised device?   04 March 2014, 07:06

Like Maryelle, I too have a mac address of FF:FF:FF:FF:FF shows up most of the time. I attempted to block it in my router and it came back and said I cannot block a multicast mac address! WHAT is multicast?? My router is secure using the encryption method and all sharing is diabled, just fyi...
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: What to do with an unrecognised device?   04 March 2014, 16:36

Multicast and broadcast are special MAC addresses. Normally they should not appear in the network.

I guess it's some sort of a glitch in WiFi Guard and not a real threat.

If you could send me a screen shot, that would be great.

Re: What to do with an unrecognised device?   15 April 2014, 18:58

I am not using Wi-Fi but broadband wireless network. When I scan I see 5 networks 2 known and 3 unknown (red). From where I can block these 3 unrecognized networks. May be these networks are steeling my data?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: What to do with an unrecognised device?   15 April 2014, 22:50

Those are not networks. Those are IP addresses or devices.

It could still be your device or your friend's. The simplest way to identify the devices would be to think what in your place may have access to the Internet. It could be gaming consoles, a smart TV, mobile phone, etc. Turning various devices off and on one by one will help to find out what is what.

If you still have no idea what those devices are, it makes sense to change your WiFi password in your router to stop them using your network.

You may also want to check the beginner's guide.

Sometimes you can get the answer faster if you try the forum search and/or have a look at the software user manual to see if your question has already been answered.

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