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SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Last image update time

Started by Andre B

Andre B

Last image update time   13 May 2018, 18:40


In the main window of the Ramdisk can we please get an indicator of when the Ramdisk ISO has been saved the last time? When we press the save to disk button there is also no feedback if the saving has been completed, too.

Many thanks,
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Last image update time   13 May 2018, 21:11

That's a good idea, thank you for suggesting it. We will add it tomorrow and post a link to the update.
Andre B

Re: Last image update time   14 May 2018, 02:44

Cool stuff, thank you!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Last image update time   14 May 2018, 13:52

Please download the latest build and install over your current installation. The additional information will be shown next to the image name:

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