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How to set Windows 10 page file on a RAM disk

Started by Roger


How to set Windows 10 page file on a RAM disk   25 April 2018, 15:50

Is it possible to set windows 10 paging file to RAMdisk (only)?
I tried, but after reboot the system reports warning and automatically creates it in disk C.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to set Windows 10 page file on a RAM disk   25 April 2018, 19:41

Storing page files on a RAM disk isn't officially supported, and it is generally a bad idea. If you have enough RAM, simply turn the page file off - it is not needed.

As you may know, the point of the page file is to swap out memory pages from RAM to a file on the disk when more memory is required. In other words, a page file can be seen as a RAM extension. By placing a page file back into memory (on a RAM disk), you would attempt to extend the resource using the resource itself. Therefore there is no benefit in doing so, only added complications. A more technical explanation can be found in this article: Why it is bad to store the page file on a RAM disk.

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