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How to disable Mount image on boot / logon

Started by Miku


How to disable Mount image on boot / logon   18 August 2016, 13:25

How can i disable Mount image on Boot / Logon i want have that image loaded at log on or boot because it's too long to load of an 30gig ram disk
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to disable Mount image on boot / logon   18 August 2016, 14:09

You can disable that by deleting the RAM Disk you created.

Re: How to disable Mount image on boot / logon   18 August 2016, 16:25

Thats pity because so you have create a new one every boot.
maybe should you think about an option.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to disable Mount image on boot / logon   18 August 2016, 16:37

It depends on what you want. If you want an on-demand RAM Disk, create a logon-time RAM disk and unmount it before rebooting. The app remembers its last state and will not mount it automatically.

Re: How to disable Mount image on boot / logon   18 August 2016, 17:11

Thats the problem its even unmounted, the cross it red, its unmounted it will mounted at logon
i have it tested 3 times it loading every time.
an the ram disk is not a mount on boot
a hint the os is Windows 10 Anniversary
may be its this
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to disable Mount image on boot / logon   18 August 2016, 18:42

Could you post a screen shot of the main RAM Disk's window here?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to disable Mount image on boot / logon   19 August 2016, 16:30

As I advised a few messages above, you need to create a logon-time RAM disk, whereas you created a boot-time one.

For that, choose Disk - Add (not Disk - Add Boot Disk!) from the main menu.

Re: How to disable Mount image on boot / logon   20 August 2016, 10:42

ah okay i see

this was create with image i created an image and then i clicked on the green plus and have loaded the image
i've tryed again and it will every time set by boot
i have no choice for set boot or logon

okay the green plus set a boot drive now over drive and add it will work

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