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How to put Page file on the RamDisk

Started by Armin


How to put Page file on the RamDisk   31 March 2013, 13:57

Is it possible to put my page file on the RamDisk ?
When I do that , Windows says : "Windows has made a temporary page file due to errors!"

Can we do something that ram disk gets mounted before windows startup to prevent this error?

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   01 April 2013, 04:14


Is it possible to put my page file on the RamDisk?

Yes, but generally it is not a good idea.


Can we do something that ram disk gets mounted before windows startup to prevent this error?

Use boot-time RAM disk instead of logon-time.

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   14 May 2013, 03:10

Putting your pagefile on a ramdisk is borderline insanity(*) - if you have enough RAM to consider this, simply disable the pagefile instead.

(*): the only viable usecase is a 32bit Windows with >4GB memory - but that's a borderline insane setup, and SoftPerfect doesn't support >4GB memory access on 32bit Windows, anyway.
Jimi J

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   10 January 2016, 11:27

How can I do this: "Use boot-time RAM disk instead of logon-time" ?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to put page file on the RamDisk   10 January 2016, 12:58

In order to create a new RAM disk, choose Disk - Add or Disk - Add Boot Disk from the main menu.

The former will create a RAM disk available when a user is logged on, the latter will create a RAM disk available immediately on system startup.

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   15 January 2016, 23:56

My system is Windows 7. Ive created 4000MB disk NTFS with "I" letter mounted on startup. Ive set pagefile 3950MB on that disk but still im getting error "Windows has made a temporary page file due to errors!". What im doing wrong?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   16 January 2016, 11:52

I am not sure, it seems to work sometimes, but not on every system. Anyway it's not really a good idea to have the page file on a RAM Disk, see this article: Why it is bad to store the page file on a RAM disk.

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   18 January 2016, 19:44

Well, I've tested IMG disk and Radeon Ramdisk. First one didn't even make partition but second worked the same way as Sofsonic - success in making partition but fail to make and assign pagefile to it. But here is funny part - i was testing all three programs by restarting computer. Finally, when i failed again with Radeon i didn't try further. But today I've turned on computer and VOILA! it works! I don't want to mess it - i don't have time for it so i wont install Softsonic again but it seems that problem was in restarts instead of turning computer completely.

As for idea of putting pagefile on ramdisk im absolutely aware of it but my case is exception. I have old Photoshop 8 which recognises up to 1.7GB of ram. With larger file it uses pagefile even if i have 8 GB of ram. So the only way to force it to use more than 1.7 is to put pagefile on ramdisk.

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   18 February 2016, 11:30

I really don't understand why I keep reading about people saying it is bad to put the pagefile on a RAMdisk. There are many reasons why someone would do something that may not be what you are doing.

1st of all, Win OS pagefile is necessary and should not be disabled. Some programs, such as Adobe, requires the use of a pagefile regardless of how much free RAM you have installed. This is a very well known issue. So you should never disable your pagefile regardless. Best way is to use a tiny pagefile and set it to dynamic. If you have enough RAM, it will never be used, except for when it is necessary.

2ndly, Win XP doesn't operate its pagefile the same way as Win 7+. Win XP will use pagefile more often and unnecessary regardless of whether you have free RAM. I tested this thoroughly. Most people using Win 7 and above just assumes Win XP works the same. There is a registry file in Win XP that would make the paging work more efficiently, but regardless it will still use the pagefile when you have uber free RAM. For anyone who wish to test this, simply create a small dynamic pagefile and watch it grow even though you have tons of free RAM.

Lastly, there are specific reasons why a person may want to put a pagefile on a RAMdisk. This is the reason I use it. I have 16 GB of RAM, I created a RAMdisk of 10 GB for my projects. Now, I may not always use the full 10GB, depends on what I'm doing. Likewise 6 GB of free RAM is more than enough to run Win 7 with any program, in this case the pagefile will never be used. But, there will be times when the RAM usage will exceed 6 GB, when I'm running multiple programs, when I'm running a large program that needs more RAM, etc... In those cases, it will use the pagefile since it exceeds the 6 GB. So I placed a small 16 MB pagefile on the RAMdisk and set it to dynamic. During times when the RAM usage exceeds 6GB, it will use the paging file to compensate. So basically I'm using part of the RAMdisk as both for the RAM and for the DISK. Yeah, the paging file is not as fast or efficient as direct RAM, but it is a compromise. It allows me to keep the large 10 GB RAMdisk for the usage there, yet allows me to use it for RAM when I need more than 6 GB.

There are many many many other reasons why someone would want to do something with something. It has become such a cliche nowadays when people ask for technical support on a website, especially the Microsoft Tech Support, and they get a lecture of people telling them they shouldn't do this or do that instead of people just helpin them with their issue.

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   18 February 2016, 12:48



It has become such a cliche nowadays when people ask for technical support on a website, especially the Microsoft Tech Support, and they get a lecture of people telling them they shouldn't do this or do that instead of people just helpin them with their issue.

It also has become an unfortunate cliché when people download free software, and then press the developers with their demands, as if something is owed. If the developers have grounds to believe that something is not a good idea, they can't help the user to do that with clear conscience. And if they do, the same user will come back later with blames and anger. I'm not talking about Microsoft here --- their support it atrocious despite the price people pay for their products. Softperfect's support is outstanding, and their patience, helpfulness and politeness are unsurpassed. I found all the answers to my questions here without writing a word, if you don't count this message. And I'm very happy wi their software. It's just sad that some people have no gratitude or appreciation for someone else's free efforts.

With compliments,
Lars, Netherlands

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   04 October 2016, 04:10

I have 65 gig of memory in my PC and window 7 only uses 8 gig of it. So I set up a 20 gig ram disk and mapped my temp files to it and changed my Page File to the Ram Disk and set it up with min 1 gig page file and 10 gig max page file. That leaves 10 gig for the temp files and it never gets close to filling up the drive. Since Windows 7 never used this memory anyway it was just being wasted. Now once my PC maps all of the cash memory to the ram drive page files and temp files My PC is way faster about 3 to 4 times faster (at least). It takes just as long to down load a web page or start a new program, but once it is in a tab, going back and forth between tabs of the web browser is super-fast. And once programs are loaded they work a lot faster too. So to all these nim-rods who think that mapping your page files to a ram disc is wrong headed - you are all morons. It works great if you do it right.

P.S. As the other posts have said you do need to build the ram drive to load on boot and not login. That maybe why you were getting errors. It worked great when I did it. Remember to create a restore point before messing with how your PC boots up. Its just always nice to have a restore point...

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   04 October 2016, 04:22

Here is the ram disk I used and it worked great. SoftPerfect RAM Disk. Easy to use and set up.

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   19 January 2017, 09:59

I have 128 GByte RAM and use most of it for
- T: temporary boot time RAM disk
- P: persistent logon time RAM disk, backed by an image file on SSD
Pagefile.sys on T: worked great until a few weeks ago; now I'm getting that "Windows has made a temporary page file ..." message too. Instead of creating the pagefile.sys on T:, it creates an incredible large pagefile.sys on C:. No messages in event viewer regarding this problem.

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit SP1 with latest updates; RAM Disk 4.0.0 64-Bit
Can you please help me?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   19 January 2017, 14:13

Sorry it's hard to tell why Windows decided not to use the RAM Disk for page file.

It's a really bad idea to place a page file in the RAM Disk though. With this amount of RAM you'd be better off having it disabled completely. Here is a discussion if you want to know more.

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   20 January 2017, 01:06

I have installed RAM Disk explicitly for having the pagefile.sys on memory disk. It's one of RAM Disk's features, and yes, it worked pretty well until few weeks ago. I hope you find the reason of this malfunction. I know, it's possible. There is at least one solution on the market (it's ASRock's) which works fine, but I don't like it because of terrible UI. Your's is much better!

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   20 January 2017, 10:44

Peter, I personally can't find anywhere where it says explicitly that "having pagefile.sys on memory disk is a feature of this RAM Disk". Funny that you are asking for this functionality precisely in the thread where developers said it is not a good idea to use the software for that. smile

Seems like buying designer dress shoes and then want them to be comfortable for hiking. Software is same: it has its purpose and limitations. If something worked to a point, it doesn't mean it is designed for that.

Re: How to put Page file on the RamDisk   09 September 2017, 19:25

Some apps actually require you to have paging file (Adobe apps for example) and will not work otherwise regardless of how much memory you have. If you are certain you are not using any of these (badly made apps) then by all means, paging file should be disabled.

Sometimes you can get the answer faster if you try the forum search and/or have a look at the software user manual to see if your question has already been answered.

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