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Adding custom fields to the table

Started by albertini.marco

Adding custom fields to the table   08 December 2016, 03:22

Hi to all,
I'd like to know if it's possible to insert some custom fields in the table.

I need some filed like personal comment, to use it for some personal text like number on the switch or number of ehternet plug. If I had fields to insert this information, I could order/sort by it...

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Adding custom fields to the table   08 December 2016, 12:08

Yes, it is possible. Please see menu Options - Friendly Names / Comments. You can assign a custom comment to an IP address, MAC address or a host name.

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Adding custom fields to the table   09 December 2016, 22:21

Yes.. i use it... but my suggest i to add more than one custum fields ...
for example...
if i have 3 custum fields in one i insert a name of another a number of plug of switch and another number of plug on wall...
So i can order for office..., for number on switch...and so on

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Adding custom fields to the table   10 December 2016, 09:57

That may be a good idea, I think a few users requested a similar feature. We'll see what can be implemented. Stay tuned wink

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