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Netscan forcing Windows updates

Started by Rob Gibson

Rob Gibson

Netscan forcing Windows updates   02 February 2016, 22:32

We seem to have discovered an issue when running a scan using Network Scanner. If the computers being scanned have pending updates, (Windows, Flash, Silverlight etc.), Network Scanner scanning the computer is enough to restart the computer even if a student is logged on (our WSUS is set so that only users with Administrative Rights can perform updates). Is there a way to stop Network Scanner from creating an event in the Security Log when scanning computers?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Netscan forcing windows updates   02 February 2016, 22:45

The app itself doesn't create any events in the Security Log. I guess it's a specific scan that Windows reacts upon and restarts, but can't tell specifically.
Rob Gibson

Re: Netscan forcing windows updates   02 February 2016, 23:10

Could it be 'Lookup logged on users'? What features does that option use to retrieve the logged on users?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Netscan forcing windows updates   02 February 2016, 23:17

Sorry, I am not sure which scan it is.

The Lookup logged on users option calls a system API first NetWkstaUserEnum

If this function fails, then it sends a specially crafted NetBios packet in the same way as the nbtstat -a command.

Hope this helps.
Rob Gibson

Re: Netscan forcing windows updates   02 February 2016, 23:34

Network Scanner seems to be creating the following in the Security Event Log - even with all the additional scans turned off.

Log Name: Security
Source: Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing
Date: 02/02/2016 12:23:16
Event ID: 4672
Task Category: Special Logon
Level: Information
Keywords: Audit Success
User: N/A
Computer: computer_Name
Special privileges assigned to new logon.

Security ID: Domain_Name\username
Account Name: Username
Account Domain: Domain_Name
Logon ID: 0x687702

Privileges: SeSecurityPrivilege

It then creates a an additional event when the Logoff is destroyed roughly 30 seconds later with the same Logon ID. it appears that this logoff event is enough to trigger the windows update.

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