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Display progress when rescanning devices for a specific value

Started by Egil

A couple of feature suggestions/wishes:
1. right-click Device > browse c$
2. when rescanning Devices for a specific value - show rescanning progress. as of now its hard to know where in the Device list current scan is in progress.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Display progress when rescanning devices for a specific value   09 December 2015, 20:28

You can browse any folder exposed by a device as shown below:

SoftPerfect support forum

Regarding rescanning, I am not sure what you mean as the progress is shown:

SoftPerfect support forum
Great tip regarding c$ - i hadn't enabled "administrative shares" in options smile

When i right-click serveral computers, Select "rescan computer", and NOT select "rescan computer completely", but select only one value - there is nothing that shows the current activity, for example Device currently being scanned...
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Display progress when rescanning devices for a specific value   09 December 2015, 21:34

The rescanning issue when no activity indicator was shown was a bug bug Thanks for pointing it out!
We've fixed it in this build.
Amazing response!

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