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Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler

Started by Tom Ryans

Tom Ryans

Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   14 June 2014, 01:58

I am trying to setup netscan to run once a week using the windows task scheduler in windows server 2008 r2 x64. I created a batch file that works fine when run manually but when it is run in the task scheduler netscan never finishes. If I login and run the task from the task scheduler manually it runs fine and I have no issues, the problem only occurs when the task is launched automatically. I also tried a powershell script to launch netscan and that works fine but I have the exact same issue - it just won't work unattended.

I can verify that the task started since netscan.exe appears in the task manager but after days of waiting it never finishes. Since the task scheduler uses a lower priority than applications run manually, I tried changing the task to run with a higher priority but that did not fix the issue either. I have no clue what the problem is since it runs perfect every time I run the batch file/powershell script manually. What could be causing this issue?

I would greatly appreciate any help!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run netscan using task scheduler   14 June 2014, 14:13

What's the exact command line you have scheduled to run?

Most likely if you have not supplied a configuration file, it will start with a default configuration and hang at the message box

SoftPerfect support forum

Since there is no desktop, it might hang there indefinitely. I guess we'll need to a check in the code whether an interactive desktop is available.
Casey Rauth

Re: Unable to run netscan using task scheduler   17 June 2014, 02:50

Hi Andrew, I'm working with Tom Ryans on this issue. It is currently a PowerShell script that runs NetScan:

Start-Process -FilePath "D:\netscan\netscan.exe" -ArgumentList '/hide /config:d:\netscan\config.xml /auto:"d:\netscan\temp.xml"' -Wait -NoNewWindow

As he mentions, it works when running the script manually, but will hang indefinitely if run as a scheduled task.

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   05 August 2014, 16:58

Problem is -- Netscan needs display out to run, which you don't have in a scheduler session. You can simulate it with
netscan > nul
You'll get an PopUp with "IO Error 105". The Pop Up blocks the scheduler threat. Have the same problem. Bug report was sent.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   09 August 2014, 18:59

Thank you, we're investigating this.

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   07 February 2015, 03:30

Same problem, has anyone found a solution?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   08 February 2015, 11:17

It was fixed in version 5.5.12.

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   10 February 2015, 04:06

It work using version 5.5.12 but not using last version 6.0.3
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   10 February 2015, 12:22

Well, I need to know the exact details on what you are doing using what system to be able to reproduce the case.

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   12 February 2015, 19:03

I create a scheduled task that points to a batch file. On a batch file i define a list of variables and i run netscan

Below is the command i use to launch netscan on a batch file:
start /wait %~dp0\64-bit\netscan.exe /hide /range:%Range% /Config:CONFIG.xml /auto:%~dp0\Dati\%FILE%.csv

I test it on Windows 2008 (64bit), Windows 2008 R2 and Windows 2012
Same batch work with netscan version 5.5.12, but not work with version 6.0.3
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   12 February 2015, 23:51

Could you perhaps replace start /wait with echo ... > file.txt for a test, so that I can see the exact command line passed to start?

Also, does your batch file work when launched manually (not from the Task Scheduler)?

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   13 February 2015, 21:55

I already do this test. The output file is Blank

And yes, my batch file work fine when launched manually.

below you can find my batch file:
@echo off

set Range=
Set File=xxx


IF EXIST %~dp0\Dati\%File%.csv (
		@echo Merge 32 Bit
		start /wait %~dp0\32-bit\netscan.exe /hide /range:%Range% /Config:STD-ZUC.xml /auto:%~dp0\Dati\%file%.csv /Merge
	) ELSE (
		@echo Merge 64 Bit
		start /wait %~dp0\64-bit\netscan.exe /hide /range:%Range% /Config:STD-ZUC.xml /auto:%~dp0\Dati\%file%.csv /Merge
) ELSE (
		@echo New 32 Bit
		start /wait %~dp0\32-bit\netscan.exe /hide /range:%Range% /Config:STD-ZUC.xml /auto:%~dp0\Dati\%file%.csv 
	) ELSE (
		@echo New 64 Bit
		start /wait %~dp0\64-bit\netscan.exe /hide /range:%Range% /Config:STD-ZUC.xml /auto:%~dp0\Dati\%file%.csv 
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   13 February 2015, 22:22

This line doesn't look quite correct.
set Range=
It might have worked in the past, but it does no longer. Change it to
set Range=

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   14 February 2015, 03:15

Yes i know.
but this file is only an exmple.

on my production i use this row

set Range=

The problem is not Range variable.

I Repeat.
Same bach in scheduled task work with versione 5.5.12 bat not with version 6.0.3
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   16 February 2015, 11:57

It's not reproducible, that's all I can say at the moment. Perhaps the current directory is different when the batch file is launched by the Task Scheduler and then the Network Scanner can't find the config file or write the CSV output.

Grab the Process Monitor, set it to monitor I/O actvity from netscan.exe and see if that sheds light on the issue.

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   13 March 2015, 07:12

Problem is not fixed in the latest version 6.0.4
Where could I download version 5.5.12?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   13 March 2015, 13:46

Sorry, we don't keep old versions. You can search in Google or better yet, help us identify the issue by following the post above.

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   14 March 2015, 00:50

I am having the exact same problem. Previously I was able to call the attached .bat file from the Task Scheduler, but since upgrading to 6.0.4, the netscan.exe process never exits. When I run the .bat file manually, the process runs fine and netscan.exe exits without any issues. I ran the process monitor for the same .bat file run manually and via the task manager and can send you the logs. Please let me know the best way to do this. Both logs are around 4.5MB. Any insight you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
open | download – (307 bytes)

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   14 March 2015, 03:10

Andrew, thanks for feedback. Google didn't help. All links are redirected to the latest version.

In Version 6.03 and 6.04 we have the same behaviour as described from other editors before.
In the console the batch is working perfectly. But asa the batch is started by the taskplanner, it runs forever. Stopping the taskplanner - the batch process is killed immediately, the netscan.exe process is still active by doing nothing. I've tried several parameter to start the netscan process in the batch as well as different attributes of the task.

System: 2008R2 - German

Different batch commands used:
- Start /Wait netscan.exe /hide /config:%SysMonID%.xml /auto:%SysMonID%_Results.xml
- Start /Wait netscan.exe /config:%SysMonID%.xml /auto:%SysMonID%_Results.xml
- netscan.exe /hide /config:%SysMonID%.xml /auto:%SysMonID%_Results.xml
- netscan.exe /config:%SysMonID%.xml /auto:%SysMonID%_Results.xml

Different Taskplanner attributes used:
- hidden
- not hidden

All netscan options - incl. the IP range - are saved from the GUI
AutoUpdate was switched off and verified in the saved XML File

King regards from Hamburg
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   15 March 2015, 19:04

Looks like more people have this issue than it initially seemed. Could you guys please download the debug build, launch it from your batch file/scheduler and wait until in hangs?

Then there will be a log file in



C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\netscan.log

Please post it here or upload via our support form.

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   16 March 2015, 06:59

Hi Andrew - Attached is the requested log file. Please let me know if you need anything else.

open | download – (198 bytes)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   16 March 2015, 11:49

Ryan, thank you for posting. It looks interesting, but unfortunately we need more information to investigate the issue. I have added more logging, could you please download the freshest build and generate and post a new log?

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   16 March 2015, 23:36

Sure thing - Here you go, Andrew.

open | download – (265 bytes)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   17 March 2015, 13:25

Thank you. I was able to identify and fix the issue. It only occurred when there was no taskbar available which caused the app to crash. Please download the new version.

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   17 March 2015, 22:31

Working like a charm now. Thanks so much for your help with this, Andrew!!

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   19 March 2015, 05:30

Andrew, this is absolutely soft PERFECT! 6.05 is working fine in the scheduler now.
Thanks so much!

Kind regards from Hamburg

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   29 January 2016, 19:58

Hello everyone!!

In first, many thanks for this famous free software! ok, yes, thumb up

However i have exactly the same problem with the last netscan version (v6.1.0.0 32 and 64 bits). In the console the batch is working perfectly. But when the batch is started by the taskplanner (in .bat), it runs forever... And it's very hard to find previous version. Someone with the same problem here?

Thanks all!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   29 January 2016, 20:14

What's the exact command line you are using? Try supplying a config like this:
netscan.exe /config:C:\path\to\config.xml

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   29 January 2016, 20:28

i'm using this command :

F:\NetScan\netscan.exe /hide /config:F:\NetScan\BEETA\ScanBEETA.xml /auto:"F:\NetScan\BEETA\BEETA_Scan_date_%dd%-%mm%-%yyyy%_Heure_%hh%-%nn%.htm"

And i have checked auto updates in the config file.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Unable to run NetScan using task scheduler   30 January 2016, 19:08

It's a bit of a mystery, so I have prepared a debug version. Simply download it and use in your script. When it hangs, there will be netscan.log created in the same folder. Please post it here.

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