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Continuous Scanning

Started by sambrose


Continuous Scanning   15 August 2006, 10:29

I work in a dynamic wireless environment where clients are constantly moving on/off the network.
Is is possible to setup Network Scanner such that (after the initial scan) it constantly has a single thread searching the network for new nodes and removing those that are no longer available?
Helper not LoggeIn

Re: Continuous Scanning   15 August 2006, 22:56

I think that you have to create a script that will do a scan every 5 minutes, then put the result in a file, compare the files for MAC and/or IP change/remove to create a real network node list.

this is not the goal of this great tool. Much more i don't know any other commercial products to do it easily, using HPOV, Spectrum, Zabbix, Nagios, etc.
Try using OCS Inventory : []
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Continuous Scanning   29 November 2006, 02:06

The requested feature has just been added as of v3.0 of the network scanner.

Continuous Scanning   29 November 2006, 06:43

What is the interval ?
It could be very interesting to manage this value.

What do you think of ?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Continuous Scanning   29 November 2006, 13:06

There's no interval. Once the scanner finishes the current scan and activates the live display, it pings every host from the starting to ending address in a loop in one thread. In pseudo code this can be represented as:
while (not Terminated) do
   if (FAddressTo >= FAddressFrom) then
    for Addr:=FAddressFrom to FAddressTo do
      <run a separate thread to (re)scan address Addr>      
      <and wait until it is complete>

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