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How to change the "since" date

Started by Mouro_81


How to change the "since" date   03 August 2009, 18:59

1st of all congratulations for a wonderfull piece of software! I'm really enjoying using it!

I just have a little question:
In the general tab of the usage report, is there a way of changing the "since" date?
We've now entered a new month and I'd like it to show all traffic since the 1st of Aug, rather than when I first installed networkx. I know I can find that information in the "monthly report", but it would be nice to have it there in the general tab.

Thanks a lot
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

How to change the "since" date   03 August 2009, 22:31

The only way to have 'Since' started from the beginning of the month to reset the usage data on the 1st of each month.

How to change the "since" date   04 August 2009, 08:05

Thanks Andrew
I thought so, but was a bit reluctant about pressing the "reset" button! By doing so, will it delete the records from previous months in the "monthly report" tab or will it just reset the "Since" in the "General" tab?
Thanks again
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

How to change the "since" date   04 August 2009, 15:59

It will delete all the past records. Also, if you require quick access to monthly usage, you can consider setting NetWorx to show it on right-clicking the tray icon.

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