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Notification area too small on high DPI screen

Started by ed1


Notification area too small on high DPI screen   04 May 2017, 10:39

I have installed WiFi Guard on a Microsoft Surface Book, which has a high DPI display screen.

The yellow WiFi Guard notification box concerning an unrecognized device found on the LAN is tiny in size - about the size of a postage stamp. The text does not fit within the tiny box, which displays only a few letters. There is no way to resize the box. The result is that the notification is unreadable.

Can this be fixed for high DPI laptop screens?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Notification area too small on high DPI screen   04 May 2017, 15:46

Thanks, we'll fix it shortly and post an update here. There is another feature request for the notifications: to have a "Remind me later" button. We'll add that too.

Re: Notification area too small on high DPI screen   06 May 2017, 22:03

Thanks, Andrew.

I forgot to add, clicking anywhere on that tiny notification box causes the box to disappear completely from the screen, rather than allowing editing of device Properties, etc.

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