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What is RTT?

Started by Herb


What is RTT?   21 December 2012, 02:04

Hi everyone
No doubt a dumb question ... but what does the RTT stand for?

I really like the WiFi Guard app and would like to know every detail it's telling me.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: What is RTT?   21 December 2012, 10:00

RTT is Round-Trip Time, also known as ping time. In simple words, it shows how long it's taken to receive a response from a computer or device.

In more detail, RTT is the length of time it takes for a data packet to be sent plus the length of time it takes for a response to that packet to be received.

Re: What is RTT?   22 December 2012, 00:47

Many thanks Andrew!!!

Why is RTT not listed?   01 June 2013, 03:55

Hi, in RTT in WiFi Guard what does "--" mean? Disconnected?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Why is RTT not listed?   01 June 2013, 10:49

No, it means the host did not respond to PING and the round trip time could not be determined, however it did respond to an ARP request.
Some devices do not respond to pings and can only be detected by their ARP response. In this case no round-trip time is displayed.

Re: Why is RTT not listed?   01 June 2013, 19:11

Thank you so much! ok, yes, thumb up

RTT listed as dashes ---   19 July 2014, 14:12

The info above is helpful, but I am on someone else's home network (Internet access comes with the rent) and checking the responses on WifiGuard.
I see a device that has a MAC address, but RTT is ---. My question is, what kind of devices might one find on a home network that do not respond to pings?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: RTT listed as dashes ---   21 July 2014, 11:56

It could be, for example, a PC that has a firewall configured to filter incoming pings (in the attempt to make this PC undetectable). In our office network here, quite a few devices do not respond to pings:

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: What is RTT?   16 September 2015, 13:16

Another question about RTT meaning: it it correct that the lower is the ms in the RTT the faster is the connection?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: What is RTT?   16 September 2015, 13:41

Generally speaking, yes. That is correct.

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